Production Process

Week: Objective
October 16th, 2002 Cycle 1 Presentation

we have a system that
1) tracks bright color
2) when bright color is detected, a particle system is triggered (bubbles)
3) Art works are implemented

October 21, 2002 - Take Feedback from project and improve the interaction and experience
- Continue turning 2D artwork to 3D
October 28th, 2002 - Prepare for user testing

We should have a technology base where we can create more effects
Implement more effects
November 1, 2002 - First User Testing
4th November, 2002

- Review Feedback and direction of project

6th November, 2002

- Being creating sketches for Scene 1
- Finalize on ideas for scene 2
- Finalize on brainstorming for the rest of the scenes
- Order green screen and make sure light tree is here.

7th November, 2002

- 3pm at children museum tomorrow, to check out the venue for guest testing on the 13th.
- Send out presentation outline and web site outline
- Finish up sketches for Scene 2
- finalize effects on Scene1

8th November, 2002

- Work session + checking out children museum

10th November, 2002

- Meeting at 2:15pm
- Discuss presentation outline
- Think about new project title.
- Send out milestones/scheduling of events for art direction.
- Send mock arrows to Ray.
- All new final artwork for the project is to be placed in Miyazaki/new
- Complete the design document with the art assets including story boards, mock scenes, and characters.
- Finalize scene 2 for its finish on Tuesday.
-This includes 4 butterflies animated.
-2 Birds @ flight and falling animations.
-Background scene-where “water meets the sky.”
-The edge of the forest. (trees)

- 9:00 meeting for Tom and Serena to discuss the direction of the “space scene”.
- Begin to work on sketches for space scene 3 (Serena)

11th November, 2002

- Continue working on Scene 2. Finish all animations and background art.
- All artwork fished for scene 2 by Monday night
- Insert artwork for scene 1
- Submit all presentation artwork to Serena: mock scenes (what each of the six scenes we are hoping to complete will look like as a still shot (JPEG).
- submit changes to the presentation outline sent out

- Finalize sketches on scene 3 and start digital version

12th November, 2002

- All material for the presentation should be sent to serena by 2pm.
This includes:
- All presentation parts sent to me (whatever you need for your presentation, photos, text, diagrams, sketches and etc)

- Working Meeting at 2pm
- Serena will work on web site.
- Complete scene 2. All art work has to be plugged in.
- Should refine the transition of scene 1 to scene 2
- Be ready for Children’s museum guest testing

13th November, 2002

- Guest Testing at Children’s Museum, meet @ 9am.
- Obtain feedback from children’s museum Tape the testing
- Get suggestions of possible titles for the project.

When we get back…
Continue to work out artwork for Scene 3 (space).
- This includes a black background.
- 3 planets
- Starry atmosphere. (Similar to the Milky way)
- light explosion (this can be a JPEG or an effect by Ray or Cort-we still haven’t decided)
- Incorporate feedback from testing to design doc.
- Review presentation outline and web site materials.
- Work on scene 3

- serena should finish web site tonight, everyone should proof read content

14th November, 2002

- Thursday - Meeting at 12pm – 2pm
- Practice for presentation.
- Submit screen shots of the system to Serena for the web site
- Finish possible demo for open house today
- Review video that is to be shown on Friday
- Finalize any changes for scenes 2 and 3

Open House
15th November, 2002

Best scenario: Finish all scene 1, 2, tested both scenes
Target: Finish scene 1and finish art work for scene 2, 3. Guest test scene 1, and complete effects library.
Worst scenario: finish scene 1, did not get a chance to test any scenes.

- Collect feedback from presentation
- Make necessary changes to design doc from feedback.

17th November, 2002

- Review feedback from open house
- Refine experience by evaluating guest test section.
- finish cleaning up scene 2 and 3.
- Meeting at 2pm

19th November, 2002

- Working Meeting at 2pm - 4pm
- Review feedbacks from open

- Finalize scene 1

20th November, 2002

- Working Meeting at 11am - 1pm
- Finalize scene to scene transitions

21st November, 2002

- Critique Scene 1 and 2
- Add in any other necessary graphics and characters

26th November, 2002

- Finalize Scene 2 and 3

27th - 31st Nov, 2002 Thanksgiving
2nd December, 2002

- Review guest test on the 6th, and finalize presentation materials
- Make sure all scenes run smoothly


3rd December, 2002 Guest Testing at Science Center
- collect feedback, refine project
4th December, 2002 Set up in Second Ave and prepare for presentation

Finished all scenes 1, 2, 3 and able to guest test with different age groups.