Technology Development
Final Stage

The two core components of the Aqua Lounge are the Interaction Techniques and the Effects Framework. The Effects Framework is the underlying graphics and sound engine which we use to produce the final image, and which allows us to create a variety of visual and aural Effects. Interaction Techniques are the technical tools allow the audience to interact with the system. In the Aqua Lounge, the Interaction Techniques are built off of a computer vision system which captures live video of the audience. We then use a variety of real-time image-processing techniques to extract the location of "interesting" regions of the video image, and trigger Effects in those locations. Finally, we then display the Effects superimposed over the original video feed. By combining Effects with Interaction Techniques, we create engaging and entertaining Activities.

Interaction Techniques

Tracking spots of bright light/color (e.g. glow sticks or LEDs).
Detection of motion in the image.
o Locating regions in which the image differs from a static background
image (effectively, "people-finding").

Effects Framework

o OpenGL-based 3D engine for visual effects.
o Live video feed rendering to an OpenGL texture.
o Synchronized effect triggers embedded in MP3 files
o Specify any combination of effects and activities. Change the
combination at run-time without exiting and recompiling.


3D mesh effects (e.g. ripples, wrapping video texture onto a 3D object).
Particle systems and Animated 2D characters
Animated 2D characters
Music-driven effects (particles/characters pulsing to the beat of the music).
o Flocking behaviors (birds, fish, butterflies).
o Image Feedback.

o More to come...

o Particle Painting
o Flocking / Spot-Following Characters

Ripples on the water surface triggered by audience motion.
o Targeting fireworks with bright spots of light.
o Whacking birds out of the air.
o Many more to come...