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[game design] [key technologies/features] [lessons learned]

Game Design

That was then.
This is now.

Key Technologies and Features

  • Combined mocap data w/ LT physics
  • Made extensive use of LT engine objects and world building tools
  • a lot of CFlyingObjects (based on boids)
  • Created a HUD manager
  • Lithtech can't do real 3d sound :(
  • Can't play a CD track

Lessons Learned

  • treat art and sound resources like any piece of code: check them into CVS!
  • provide a scalable feature-set and development cycle (if the world ends tomorrow..., prototype)
  • ensure hard deadlines and clear-cut goals for non-user testable milestones (more detail than "complete")
  • adding ownership and accountability for tangible elements reinforces production and delivery cycle
  • managing artistic direction with deliverables and deadlines needs to come from either one experienced source, or complimentary roles in the team (technical dir/creative dir)
  • having at least two developers working in close quarters/with overlapping subject areas allows technical direction to continue fairly smoothly if a resource becomes unavailable for a period
  • peer-review and architectural brainstorming shorten the testing/debugging cycle and increase quality
  • poor communication from feature manager to developer can result in unnecessary effort and misdirected bandwidth (nice effects v/ just working)
  • process streamlining is critical for iterative development (PSD macros and art pipeline)
  • foresight to leverage preliminary materials with polish allows production to continue at a consistent rate and prevents bottlenecks or setbacks
  • even very talented members will encounter roadblocks or setbacks, projecting for schedule slips is an art
  • in development intensive periods with thin bandwidth constraints, mini-focus meetings and evolutionary punchlists are key for optimizing development work in stages that build with heavy iterative dependency
[ trailer ] [ home ] [ introduction ] [ story ] [ gameplay ] [ art & sound ] [ dev ] [ testing ] [ people ] [ ETC ]