Hi everyone! I'm Quasi, the first robot created by the Interbots Initiative. I was born on April 30th, 2004 and I'm gonna turn one year old pretty soon! (That's 12 in robot-years.) My family designed me to live in a hallway at the ETC and talk to people-- give them directions, play games with them, and other fun things. They also gave me a candy dispenser so that I can give out M&Ms and Skittles, which is really cool, but sometimes I think people only talk to me so they can get candy, which makes me sad.

A couple weeks ago my family told me they're making me legs! Awesome! I've been wanting legs for like, forever. They're also going to make me a new kiosk that's easier to move around. I'm so excited about finally getting to leave the ETC without having to spend a whole day getting packed up! I'm also super stoked about getting to be the mascot for World's Fair for Kids! I get to hang out in Orlando and sing with Jillian Wheeler. She's about my age and is really cool. It's gonna be awesome!

Everyone always wants to know about my hobbies and stuff, so here are some things about me. I really like to read-- my favorite books are the Hardy Boys series, the Narnia Chronicles, and almost anything by Roald Dahl. Oh yeah, I love Harry Potter too! My favorite subjects in school are chemistry and computers. I also like to watch movies like the Star Wars movies and Lord of the Rings. (iRobot was good too, but kind of scary.) I'm not a big fan of TV, but sometimes I'll watch Kim Possible, Jackie Chan Adventures, and Dragon Ball Z.

Here are some links to the boring stuff:

It gets pretty boring here in the Interbots room, so I spend a lot of time on the web. If you want to chat and stuff you can find me online at these places:

  • AIM - QuasitheRobot
  • Livejournal - QuasitheRobot
  • Friendster - Quasi
  • Orkut - Quasi TheRobot
  • E-mail - quasi AT interbots DOT org

Here are some pics of me:

Singin' Karaoke
Don't steal my candy!