  | The training tool begins with an introductory animation and a welcome message from Barbara Smith. After watching the full scenario, users are then taken to the Q&A section where they can pose questions to the three characters and access other sections of the application. |  | |   | | |
Scenario |
  | The scenario “A Talking To” deals with diversity and race relations. There are three characters: Donald, an African American programmer, Janet, his immediate supervisor, and Herb, the director of the lab. The scenario takes place in Herb’s office where the three discuss the impact of an inappropriate racial joke that Janet made and how Donald’s working style comes across as being defensive to his colleagues. |   |  | |
Q&A |
  | The question and answer section is at the heart of the program's interactivity. Synthetic Interview is used to allow users to ask questions of the three characters. Users indicate which character they are posing the question to by clicking on one of the headshot icons on the left hand side of the page. Users type their questions in the text box. When the user submits the question, the appropriate response is played. |   |  | |
Learning Points |
  | In the learning points section, users can watch video clips of Barbara Smith, assistant Vice President of Human Resources, discuss tips on how to handle difficult situations like the one presented in the scenario. In the live performance, these points would be addressed in the facilitated discussion following the open question answer session. |   |  | |
Files |
  | In the files section, users can access the characters’ resumes, bios, and performance reviews via a file folder menu at the bottom of the page. We hope that users will think of more questions to ask the characters while looking at their files and gain insight into the characters’ behavior in the scenario. |   |  | |