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helper.h File Reference

#include "commandids.h"
#include "msgids.h"
#include <ltcodes.h>

Go to the source code of this file.


const char * LTEVENT_TO_STRING (uint32 x)
const char * MESSAGEID_TO_STRING (uint8 x)
const char * COMMANDID_TO_STRING (int x)
float g_GetRandom (float min, float max)
float g_MapJoyDeadZone (uint8 in)

Function Documentation

const char* COMMANDID_TO_STRING int    x [inline]

float g_GetRandom float    min,
float    max

float g_MapJoyDeadZone uint8    in [inline]

const char* LTEVENT_TO_STRING uint32    x [inline]

const char* LTRESULT_TO_STRING LTRESULT    x [inline]

const char* MESSAGEID_TO_STRING uint8    x [inline]

Generated on Mon Mar 4 08:42:24 2002 for Aria by doxygen1.2.14 written by Dimitri van Heesch, © 1997-2002