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CBoidModel Class Reference

BaseClass-derived class to describe a boid in LT. More...

#include <boidmodel.h>

List of all members.

Public Methods

 CBoidModel ()
virtual ~CBoidModel ()
uint32 EngineMessageFn (uint32 messageID, void *pData, LTFLOAT fData)
LTRESULT SetAnimation (char *pAnimName)
BoidDestination GetDestination ()
void SetDesination (BoidDestination bdDest)
BoidBehavior GetBehavior ()
void SetBehavior (BoidBehavior bbStyle)
float GetScratch ()
void SetScratch (float fScratch)
void setAviary (Aviary *x)
long getAge ()
 Returns the age of the boid. More...

Public Attributes

 The aviary to which I belong. More...

Protected Methods

uint32 PreCreate (void *pData, float fData)
void ObjectCreated ()
void Update ()
void ReadProps (ObjectCreateStruct *pStruct)
void PostReadProps ()

Protected Attributes

LTVector3f m_vStartAnimDims
float m_fScale
float m_fMass
long m_nBirthTime
LTCollisionSphere * m_pCollSphere


class Aviary

Detailed Description

BaseClass-derived class to describe a boid in LT.

The BoidModel class inherits LithTech's BaseClass and contains most of the necessary code for flocking behavior. It must be linked to an Aviary.

Elan Ruskin

Constructor & Destructor Documentation


CBoidModel::~CBoidModel   [virtual]

Member Function Documentation

uint32 CBoidModel::EngineMessageFn uint32    messageID,
void *    pData,
LTFLOAT    fData

long CBoidModel::getAge  

Returns the age of the boid.

The boid's age (in milliseconds)

BoidBehavior CBoidModel::GetBehavior   [inline]

BoidDestination CBoidModel::GetDestination   [inline]

float CBoidModel::GetScratch   [inline]

void CBoidModel::ObjectCreated   [protected]

void CBoidModel::PostReadProps   [protected]

uint32 CBoidModel::PreCreate void *    pData,
float    fData

void CBoidModel::ReadProps ObjectCreateStruct *    pStruct [protected]

LTRESULT CBoidModel::SetAnimation char *    pAnimName

Set the boid's current animation.

pAnimName  The new animation name.
LTRESULT LT_OK on success.

void CBoidModel::setAviary Aviary   x [inline]

void CBoidModel::SetBehavior BoidBehavior    bbStyle [inline]

void CBoidModel::SetDesination BoidDestination    bdDest [inline]

void CBoidModel::SetScratch float    fScratch [inline]

void CBoidModel::Update   [protected]

Friends And Related Function Documentation

friend class Aviary [friend]

Member Data Documentation

Aviary* CBoidModel::m_aviary

The aviary to which I belong.

float CBoidModel::m_fMass [protected]

float CBoidModel::m_fScale [protected]

HMODELANIM CBoidModel::m_hAnim [protected]

long CBoidModel::m_nBirthTime [protected]

LTCollisionSphere* CBoidModel::m_pCollSphere [protected]

LTVector3f CBoidModel::m_vStartAnimDims [protected]

The documentation for this class was generated from the following files:
Generated on Mon Mar 4 08:42:25 2002 for Aria by doxygen1.2.14 written by Dimitri van Heesch, © 1997-2002