Rat Maze of VR      


The Getrude Stein Repertory Theater
The 1998 Ubu Workshop at the Gertrude Stein Repertory Theatre was a prototype project for international performance exploring digital technology to transform live theatre. One aspect was Digital Puppets. Two puppeteers work together to animate the live image of a remote performer, projected onto them from a distant site. The puppeteers and the remote performer must be precisely choreographed and rehearsed together. Digital Puppetry blends choreography with the telecommunication techniques used in videoconferencing.
For more info: www.gertstein.org

The Diamond Age
In Neal Stephenson's The Diamond Age, television has been replaced with Ractives (a play on the word reactive) In these environments, paying guests interact with other guests, computer controlled characters, and live actors who control virtual avatars. Today's actor becomes the Diamond Age's Reactor.

  Main | Description | Goals | The Tool | Techniques
  Evaluation | Inspiration | People | Future Work