Rat Maze of VR      

  1. This maze will be a tool with which future designers can create, develop, and test their own interactive story-telling techniques.

  2. We plan to test a few of our own manipulation techniques and judge their effectiveness.

  3. This project gives us the chance to explore desktop users and head-mounted display users interacting in the same virtual environment with different interfaces, goals, and experiences.

More on goal 3

Networked computers and game servers have long allowed several desktop users to share a common virtual world.

Recently, networked VR machines have allowed several users to experience a shared virtual world and interact with one another.
We propose a relatively new setup for interaction - desktop users manipulating a shared virtual world in which another individual experiences the environment through an HMD.


  Main | Description | Goals | The Tool | Techniques
  Evaluation | Inspiration | People | Future Work