Rat Maze of VR      

Future Work

We feel that several of the techniques we developed are worthy of publication - one or more papers may come out of this project. We plan to run a formal user study on the reinforced rotation manipulation technique in the interest of producing statistically significant data demonstrating its effectiveness. This technique is interesting in that it not only seems effective in directing the guest through the maze, but also seems to be less visible than many of the other techniques. We may have a method through which we can influence the guest's navigation without their knowledge.

Similarly, a subtle "Nightmare on Elm Street" effect combined with the reinforced translation technique may prove effective. If the degree to which we bend the guest's space is subtle enough so that they don't notice consciously, this combination of techniques may prove useful.

Overall, the Maze is now an available resource so that others can design, build, and quickly test their own interaction techniques in a maze of their own design. We feel that our work will add others in the pursuit of non-linear interactive storytelling.

  Main | Description | Goals | The Tool | Techniques
  Evaluation | Inspiration | People | Future Work