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The hardware we use for creating the kiosk consists of several main parts: a standard PC, a touchscreen monitor, a CD burner, and MP3 players. The main problems in this configuration arise from the MP3 players. We did considerable research to determine which players would be easiest to support in our given timeframe, and we came to the conclusion that players which appear to the computer as external hard drives would be the best. In this category, we chose the Creative Nomad MuVo and the RCA Lyra, two popular players. CD burning support, while planned, is currently not supported.

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Client Software

The client side of the kiosk consists of a custom client application and a Macromedia Director interface. Using Director to drive the interface allows our artists to modify the kiosk interface in a familiar environment and, more importantly, without programmer intervention. The custom software running on the kiosk will manage the content existing on the local machine, and it will be able to download updates from a centralized server. The client software also will handle copying selected music to various music devices. In order to support the two MP3 players we have chosen for the prototype, the client software first scans the system to find existing drives. When an MP3 player shows up as a new drive, the software detects system files on the player to determine which kind of device it is, and then copies either an MP3 or Windows Media Audio file to the device.

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Server Software

The server software is not yet written, but much of the foundation exists already in the client software, which will speed development and better ensure compatibility between the client and server. For our prototype, the planned server functionality is the ability to update the content on a client kiosk. Future versions of the server, handling actual in-store clients, should have support for customer login verification, as well as transaction database functionality.

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Updated Wednesday, March12, 2003
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