Week7 – Half Presentation & Level Design

Week7 – Half Presentation & Level Design

This week we finished the half presentation. Great work everyone!

During the halves, we were asked about the exact accuracy we want, technical-wise. However we didn’t have an answer to that question yet and our programmers are working hard to experiment and try to find an answer to that question. Currently we decided to change from the hand tracking back to controllers to get more accuracy so that we can conduct pre- and posttests without the interference of technical difficulty.

This week we discussed mostly on the level design and how we organize the whole game. We chose to do onboarding tutorial and punching tutorial first, and let player choose between several different specialized boxing training, including pattern recognition, attention/focus, rhythm exertion, etc.

Currently we have the onboarding tutorial implemented. We are setting up a playtest survey to find our playtesters and we are going to conduct playtest around the beginning of week 9 to test our design. We are planning to have more meetings with our expert Francis to confirm that our design is in a right approach.

Next week we’ll implement the punching tutorial and polish the pattern recognition level. We’ll prepare the game to be ready for playtest and conduct them around the end of week 8 or the beginning of week 9.