Week13 – Finalizing Rhythm Prototype

Week13 – Finalizing Rhythm Prototype

This week we host our soft opening on Monday. We gain many useful feedback from faculties. We arranged another meeting with Jessica Hammer, who helped us clarify on our cognitive terminologies.

During the week, we were keeping building the rhythm prototype. We changed the level design a little bit after we had a team playtest. We changed several parts where players are really hard to follow the level. For example, originally there was some consecutive hooks, which are really hard to do, so we changed them into a cross – hook combo.

We also updated the environment. Originally, our particle effects went wild and floated all over the space. We changed the scale of the particle effects so it is not ruining the experience. During our playtesting, we realized that the distance between tracks is much longer in VR than we thought it was when we saw it in Unity. We then modified the distance to shorten players’ horizontal movement as most of our trained actions do not require boxers to move horizontally.

Next week, we are planning to have another meeting with our expert Francis and presented what we have to him for his feedback. We are also planning to host some playtests for faculties and others to play.