This week we started to sprint on our second prototype. We established several basic elements, which are rhythmic, defensive, and gamified boxing. Based on that, we did several research on these aspects and found this video extremely inspiring.
We noted down several concerns we had after watching this video and brought them to our boxing expert, Francis Braza. We had a meeting with him on Thursday, which was super helpful. First of all, he clarified all the boxing terms for us and helped us differentiate duck, roll, slip, and wave. Then, he gave his opinion on the order of teaching these actions, which goes by duck-roll-slip(wave)-wave(slip). He also gave some possible offensive combos that may come after these defensive moves. For example, after a boxer slips to his or her right, it’s very easy and comfortable for them to counter back with a Jab (1). Based on his feedback and instructions, we designed the rhythm level as below.

Tianyi had created a simple beat for the rhythm level, so the combos are designed based on the tempo of the beat.
Then, we started to think about the visual design of the game. We proposed several ideas and haven’t decided on one yet. This will be our top priority on our open zoom meeting next Monday. We also created a soft presentation slide and started preparing for the soft. And our game design document is up to date as well.