This week we met with faculty to get more insight and feedback on the current state of our projects and see if they could offer any ideas that could make our production smoother. We also began our first sprint towards halves so we can finish our first prototype.
For sitdowns, we met with Heather and Ralph to talk a bit more about what ways we can brainstorm prototypes that could solve our problem or bringing cognitive training more into the focus of our project.
Heather offered us a few ideas in which we could incorporate more gamified ways in which boxing can be made more fun and easier to follow especially for those unfamiliar to the sport. If we could find a way which they can unconsciously recognize boxing combinations without learning all the specifics it could help us greatly onboard newer players into the experience.
Ralph also offered us some helpful advice. As an avid boxing fan, he gave us ideas based on the games he’s played previously. Based on his experience he hasn’t seen any boxing games in VR that followed allowed players to follow boxing combinations in a pattern. Although there are a number of boxing games available on the market that feels realistic, there aren’t any that teaches fundamental patterns that all boxers should know. This helped us narrow down our first idea to continue building a prototype that follows pattern recognition training.

This week we began our first sprint towards our first prototype. We are starting with the basic tutorial and hand recognition of the prototype, so that the system understands basic boxing moves and recognizes when guests perform these actions.
Sally – 3D modeling environment and punching bag
Shera – UI / UX tutorial and feedback system
Tianyi – Recording audio for tutorial, pattern exercise, and feedback.
Yilin – Programming tutorial and UI system
Kuan – Programming hand recognition and testing.
Next week if we can get a basic system running we can keep iterating on this and begin the pattern recognition part of our prototype.