This week we met with our faculty instructors and pitched our ideas for our prototypes. We created a variety of simple but sweet boxing experiences that we felt that we could introduce beginners to get started as well as simple enough exercises that challenged their cognitive capacities in pattern recognition.
Prototypes and Feedback
We came up with a total of eight ideas to present to our advisors and based on their feedback from the previous weeks we tried to keep the experiences to a minimum of 1-2 minutes. They reacted positively and gave us some things to think about for our next iterations so we can keep fleshing out our ideas.

Experts Opinion
With the help of our client, we got in touch with a boxing instructor, Francis Braza, a local boxing coach and personal trainer, who gave us a lot of insight on on how they approach training. We were able to share some of our ideas with him to see if we were headed in the right direction. Based on his experience, our prototypes actually touched upon a lot of his own methods of boxing training. We also learned a lot about safety and suggestions to keep in mind to make the experience as safe and authentic to boxing as possible. Suggestions such as stance, form, and balance is important to real boxing compared to cardio boxing which is a popular workout that mimics boxing movement, but isn’t useful in the ring.
Now that we have some confirmation that our boxing prototypes have some value to them, we can begin shaping our experiences in virtual reality and keep building on what we learn.