
Sally Im
Producer & Artist

Sally Im is a 3D Artist with a focus in VFX.
Tianyi Cao
Game Designer

Tianyi Cao is a game designer, sound designer, and producer. He loves almost all sorts of entertainments, such as games, animes, films and novels. He got his undergraduate degree from UCSD with a double major in cognitive science and music. He is currently studying at Entertainment Technology Center, Carnegie Mellon University to pursue his master degree.
Shera Zhan
UI / UX Designer
Shera is studying at Carnegie Mellon University and majoring in entertainment technology. For her, interactive design is a type of communication engaging users to talk to the object. And in the process, it can improve people’s life. She wishes to become a good interaction designer in the future.
Yilin Wang
Gameplay Programmer
Yilin Wang is a student programmer at ETC. She loves games so that she interned at Qingguo, a game development company in China, in summer 2018. From Qingguo, she learnt the basic pipeline of the game development and she discovered her interest in creating new virtual worlds for others. As a result, she applied to ETC and decided to not only continue improving her programing skill but also continue creating new virtual experiences. During the first semester at ETC, she created six virtual worlds. In those worlds, the work she does include networking, audio input detection, UI implementation and audio and animation implementation. Prior to ETC, she graduated from Smith College with a degree in Mathematics and a degree in computer science. She enjoys crafting virtual worlds for her potential guests because she enjoys sharing the excitement brought by the new ideas of worlds. In her spare time, she loves to try out new games because she also enjoys others' creativity.
Kuan Chen
Gameplay Programmer