This week we continued discussions on the direction of the project. We had ideas ranging from rowing, fencing, boxing, archery, and even fantastical inspirations such as quidditch. After meeting with faculty again this week, we decided to choose Boxing as our focus for the semester.
Physical and Cognitive Training
Boxing became the most obvious choice for us because the pre-defined motions would make it easier to replicate and boxing already has patterns built into the fighting style. Therefore after choosing boxing we were able to narrow down our focus even more and focus primarily on pattern recognition for our cognitive training for the time being as we are fleshing out our prototypes.
We were also able to get more direction from our client, Ricardo to keep our first prototypes sweet and simple so we can make sure our boxing experience feels accurate to trainers.
This week we also met with other teams in a brainstorming session and a transformation workshop to get more insight about our project and inspirations we could explore. We got a lot of concern about motion sickness and sweating in a headset so we came up with some solutions of our own to combat these concerns.
For our experience we are primarily focusing on beginners or those with little to no boxing experience. We are creating short experiences that range from one to two minutes so that players are not thoroughly fatigued with our experience. Each experience will also focusing on different categories of boxings to not overwhelm players and to build skill in one area. (i.e. offense, defense, dodging)
This will give you more insight on what we’re building and next week we will pitch some prototypes and start building the initial frameworks of our experiences.