Hello everyone we are VRcules (rhymes with Hercules), a five person team developing a VR prototypes to explore the potential of physical and cognitive training in a virtual reality environment.
Client Meeting
Apart from getting some production materials out of the way. This week we met with our client / faculty advisors, Ricardo Washington and Dave Cuylba and got more information about the project parameters and what direction they were considering for the project.
Brainstorming and Platform
We were tasked with picking one sport, martial art, or dance to focus our prototypes on and we spent the week brainstorming the pros and cons of those we were interested in. We also got a head start on the equipment needed for the project and decided to go for the Oculus Quest as our platform of choice. The Oculus Quest is a wireless VR headset so we thought it would be the most optimal for training and would be the least prone to accidents.
This week we’ll continue discussions on what our focus with be on and decide on one when we meet our advisors next week. So far so good.