The Team

Noah Kankanala

Sound Designer and Composer

Noah Kankanala is a sound designer and composer who is passionate about using sound as a variable to enhance the guest experience.

Lewis Koh
General Programmer

Lewis is on a journey of self-discovery, as he challenges himself with projects at the ETC, in an attempt to figure out what he wants to do with the rest of his life.

Stefani Taskas
Shader Programmer

Stefani has been programming and using Unity since high school, and they are very interested in virtual reality and gameplay programming.

Sophia Videva
Technical and Character Artist

After studying Fine Art and Game Design at Carnegie Mellon, Sophia came to the ETC to broaden her knowledge on creating powerful and immersive worlds using visual narrative.

Jack Wesson
Producer and Design Director

Jack arrived at the ETC, hoping to explore more creative fields, and immersive himself in the passionate world of innovating through entertainment technology.

Heather Kelley
Faculty Advisor

Named in 2013 as one of the five most powerful women in gaming by Inc. magazine, and in 2011 by Fast Company as one of the most influential women in technology, Heather Kelley’s extensive career in the games industry has included design and production of AAA next-gen console games, interactive smart toys, handheld games, research games, and web communities for girls. She holds an MA from the University of Texas at Austin, where she is an alumna of the Advanced Communications Technologies Laboratory.

Carl Rosendahl
Faculty Advisor

Carl is a Distinguished Professor of the Practice and the Director of ETC’s Silicon Valley location, who graduated with a BSEE from Stanford University in 1979. Carl also consults for a number of companies, where he specializes in helping to direct and manage creative organizations that are technology based. In his free time, Carl is a practicing amateur musician, enjoys building original projects (such as a functioning electric guitar built with Lego), and participating in outdoor activities such as fly fishing and wakeboarding.