Week 14

Just one week before the final, we managed to increase resolution for the display on Android phones, which brings our game into the next level.

Here’ the game demo we recorded:

We have worked on really exciting project semester, and also work as a remote team through the whole semester. One of the biggest take-aways is how to communicate complex ideas. The scope of our project was quite large. There were a lot of possibilities for this project outcome. This challenged us to learn how to communicate complex ideas and technologies into easily understandable concepts and share with the group. Second is embrace the uncertainty. We were working one something really challenging and exploratory, so we were constantly faced with ambiguity and were expected to rescope the project. Because there were so many moving parts, we had to adapt to changes quickly, learn to be comfortable with not knowing, and to keep an open mind while setting realistic expectations and priorities to push the project forward.

Again we were so grateful to work in this exciting project, and able to do something we all love!  And also extremely lucky to have support from everyone, to help us successfully ship our demo to clients!

Thank you for everyone who support us through the journey, and thank you team for this amazing semester!!❤️