We had a soft opening on Monday, and showcase our demo to faculties. One of the main concerns from faculties is our lagging issue. And our solution is using design to cover this part. Alan came up with an idea-Dynamic Crosshair. We don’t want players to move too fast due to latency & open pose server limitations. So that we are planning on creating a dynamic crosshair system. If the player is moving, his or her shot will be less accurate.

But at the middle of the week, we successfully solved the lagging problem by running in a better wifi environment. And our demo runs pretty smoothly right now.
And for the last two week, we have set three tasks. 1) to clean up code and make it open source. 2)to record a demo video in a cloud based system, to let the audience see a clear comparison between cloud base and edge base. 3)to polish public material, include game icon, login page.