
Week 12

In this week, we first dockerized vlight server, which will help user install server more efficent in the future. Also, we had data analysis for N_token and resolution. For design, we analysed the playtest result, and came up with some design changes for game mechaim and game UI. And we updated our armor design. Right …

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Week 11

We were back at ETC for our formal playtesting. 10 players have tried our game, and they felt it’s really engaging and fun to play! And we also found some things we can improve. The ammo should be more accessible Extra animation could be distracting Our game is really intense, so players would prefer less …

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Week 10

At the end of last week, we held a mini playtest with our friends. And here’s what we found: Still there’s gap between 2d tutorial and AR world Player feel overwhelmed by tutorial Player prefer shooting the upper part And based those insight, we made several iteration to our game: Switch tutorial into AR world …

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Week 9

This week, we expanded our game into a two player mode: Finished the data structure and sync protocol design, still working on implementation. Instead of doing peer to peer communication. Two clients will send event signals to the server, like “A aimed B” or “A win” or “A shot B”. Server will broadcast the same information …

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Week 8

Using BestHTTP, we build a Unity client connected to Gabriel server, not only useful for this project but also reusable for the other edge-based games. Here’s our demo video after merging game with edge system. Also, we have added visual feedback into game, and a new particle armors!

Week 7

This week, team is working on tightening up project for the coming half presentation. You can check the link here to see what we have came through so far. Also, two sub groups continue to build the game. Edge computing group is exploring possible solution to connect with Unity, and they found BestHTTP/2, a A …

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Week 6

This week our technology sub group is working really hard solving the last problem – Unity- Client. Developing a Unity-client is the last mile of the long exploration path. However, it is in an uncharted territory: Nobody has ever done it before. All of the existing gabriel projects were developed in Android Studio or Python except …

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Week 5

This week, we have made a major progress in edge computing ststem, here our network map to show the work flow: Also, we keep exploring on the 3d body tracking area. Here’s some research and reference we looked into. Although there’s some advanced technolgy to achieve smooth 3d tracking, but due to the time limit …

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Week 4

In week 4, we continue to explore on the platform. Here are some new insights we got on OpenPose. The good news is OpenPose is in the perfect range of computational load to demonstrate edge computing. Still, there’s a limitation for that: becauses it’s a stream of images, with xy coordinates of 18 key points, …

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Week 3

We pitch all five game features to clients, and narrow down five idea to one, based on our scope, and technology. We decide to keep develop on Augmented body armor idea. So, in the game, players are protected by body armor, and arrows will break body armor. Players without armor are injured/killed by arrows. We …

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