User Research & New IP Announcement
This week, we started to research deeply on our project potential and our clients’ needs. It’s not likely what we do in the first semester at ETC. Project semester is a 15-16 week-long development and is aiming for a long-term goal. Well studied at the beginning does help teams clarify their clients and know the boundaries. Fortunately, ETC provides several workshops to stimulate the process and guide the new teams to the right path, such as brainstorming workshops, transformational design workshops, producer roundtable. With assistance from faculty and client, we came up with an empathy map and composition box.

Another exciting news is we finally got the IP and its details from our clients! In this project, there are more than four stakeholders, which means some decision-making processes should be cascading from each hierarchy. It takes time and it’s more complicated, but it’s fun! We thought it’s a good way to get used to this industry working pattern.
Since we are working on an AR outdoor venue if there is a specific IP that may help us to lean on a storyline and save time from developing a story background. Focusing on an existing IP would organize our every showcase and make them less fragmented.