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Week 4: Quarter Walkaround & Sitdown

Quarter Walkaround

This year, the quarter walkaround is entirely remote. Each team has to host its zoom, and faculty will jumping into it. Each round is around 15 mins. After an elevator pitch, the team and faculty will move on to the Q&A session. In the first quarter, we focused on user research, team bonding, and brainstorming. Before we start to make our hands dirty, it’s an excellent time to review our schedule and scope.

ETC faculty has led at least 400 projects.

They have more sense than us to point out opportunities and threatens for projects. Also, faculty shared previous projects which have similar features or related technology. Therefore, their experiences may turn out to be insights and suggestions for ours. 


One of a question we keep asking ourselves is “what is our purpose of value?”.

With limited resources and time, we may not finish a well-done/completed production, but we could try to break through some existing limitations. “Outdoor venue works well with AR” is the priority we are trying to prove. There are too many uncontrollable factors causing uncomfortable AR experiences, lighting, noise interruption, passenger masking, .etc. 

“Interaction with IoT prompts make show experience better” should also be on the list. An outdoor venue consists of plenty of technical components, such as surround speakers, flashlights, fog machines, prompts on the stage .etc. To reinforce the AR experience, we have to consider how to interact with those items via IoT technology.

“Introducing technology to theater people smoothly.” also be brought to the table. Fortunately, advisors and clients have many experiences with it, while the team has none.

A small step forward on the path eventually leads to the desired outcome. I hope we can push the progress of practical AR applications in the real world.