
Week 13: New Version of Flying Knife

Let’s take a look at the horrifying moment when the knife flying straightforward to you! Description Make the knife drag in the sky longer and turn around to show different angles clearly Credit: Arnav

Week 8: Ground Plan

To build our venue, we need to find a place having well-done infrastructure so we can set up equipment, including speakers, lights, projectors, fog machines, and all of our IoT stuffs. Description This is the clip recording the first time…

Week 8: LED Light (Version 2)

For IoT devices, we also need to control the lighting to create more visual effects by changing LED lights. Description This is the second version of LED lights, now we can control the color and make it showing more complicated…

Week 7: LED Lights (Version 1)

For IoT devices, we also need to control the lighting to create more visual effects by changing LED lights. Description This is the first version of LED lights that we can control the effect via Arduino. Credit to David

Week 6: Piles of Treasure

Continuing the coins falling effect, we build piles of treasure to enrich the scenes. Description When audiences look through their phone, they can actually see piles of treasure piles up in front of them. Feedback

Week 6: Magic Lamp

For IoT devices, we tried to build a magic lamp at first, including tracker, trigger, and visual effects. Description This is the first version lamp only with the eruption feature. Feedback The dust coming out from the top of the…

Week 4: Golden Spike

At this stage, we set up a golden spike to test our pipeline and development environment. Description: To test how AR effects look like in our phone. Gold coins keep falling down from the air and land on the detected…