
Week 15: Final!

Such an amazing journey! We have a shorter semester and an ambitious vision of our project. At the end of the day, we have a nice job! Thanks for following all of our processes and progress until now. We hope…

Week 14: The Last Mile & Outdoor Test

Welcome to the Crazy Week! This week, we have to finish every work and do the final recording of our show. Also, we have to prepare the Open House for the public and the Final Presentation for the faculty. Last…

Week 13: New Version of Flying Knife

Let’s take a look at the horrifying moment when the knife flying straightforward to you! Description Make the knife drag in the sky longer and turn around to show different angles clearly Credit: Arnav

Week 13: Soft Opening & Polish

We have a successful soft opening. Unfortunately, under NDA, we are not allowed to share the completed experience with you yet. The plan for this week is to work on polishing according to the feedback from faculty and clients. To…

Week 12: Revise & Polish

This semester is about to over. We changed the plan slightly. This week we plan to finish the show rather than polish it. To Do [ADD] Genie to Live: Must have! We need to get a fog machine and test…

Week 11: Playtest & Review

We just finished an amazing weekend for playtesting! The recording of the show has been posted. Please check it out! Survey & Feedback Beyond Expectations The first thing we didn’t expect is that we had 9 guests! It’s hard to…

Week 10: Blocking & Rehearsal

As a proof of concept project, one of our goals is to explore how to include actors and directors during the development remotely. In our case, we have an amazing acting team who fully supports us, but we are not…

Week 8: Ground Plan

To build our venue, we need to find a place having well-done infrastructure so we can set up equipment, including speakers, lights, projectors, fog machines, and all of our IoT stuffs. Description This is the clip recording the first time…

Week 8: LED Light (Version 2)

For IoT devices, we also need to control the lighting to create more visual effects by changing LED lights. Description This is the second version of LED lights, now we can control the color and make it showing more complicated…