We gave our 1/2 presentation to the ETC faculty this week. We first introduced the team, the client, and the project, then played the edited demo video, then we talked about iterations of story, design, and art. Lastly, we showed the playtests result and ended the presentation with a plan for the rest of the semester.
You have a prototype out for playtesting, you have Chapter 1 well in hand, you have an interesting puzzle design tied to your transformational goal, an excellent lead-in and exit story, fine art that communicates well, and music and voice-over that brings home the overall experience.
From our instructors
Feedback for the presentation
The introduction and conclusion were nice. We all had zoom backgrounds. (Will add a picture here) We all presented energetically and answered the questions fairly well. Showing iterations and improvements also is a huge plus. There were things we could’ve done better: the edited video was only 1 minute, which didn’t show many details of our game. Next time, we would make it 2 minutes to better demonstrate the game. Also, we didn’t point out a key element of the puzzle design. We intentionally designed the puzzle to be hard and gave players frustration because we want the player to feel the negative impacts of the offensive statements. We didn’t deliver this point during the presentation.
Feedback for the product
The faculty and instructors thought we are on a trajectory to really earn a high grade for the project. We’ll keep pleasing the client with iterations. Also, we’ll test the game with the client and the instructors before we release it to wider groups.
Of course, we kept designing Chapter 2 this week. The story happens in the cafeteria – we used Rohr Commons as our reference.

Our main character, Meimei will experience miroaggressions from her peers when eating food and having conversation about Super Bowl. We will talk more details about this next week after we discuss with our faculty and client. We talked with them about the story breifly and they thought it was a good direction. The designer and writer are working on the it 🙂
We’ll also playtest (online) with lcoal highschoolers next week! Hopefully we could inspire them somehow with our work or ourselves.
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