Team Progress

Week 12 – Work more on the third level and get ready for Soft Opening

For this week, the team came up with various new features that would be used in the third level such as the grass removing and fixer mechanism for fixing damaged robots. There were also new art assets for 3D models in level three and new UI elements as well. As the end of semester was approaching, the team spent quite amount of time working on the soft opening next week. Due to the time limit for each group and the complex nature of our game, the team had to construct a hybrid level demoing most of the game features in shortest amount of time possible. Below was the demo video the team planned to put on soft.

During the soft, the team planned to do a live demo of the hybrid level where two team members were going to play the game in front of the audience to showcase our game.

In terms of new game mechanism, the grass removing feature from the supporter robot was introduced. Starting from second level, there would be some heavy bushes that would interfere the detecting devices. The players needed to use the supporter robots to remove the bushes first to have a better chance of clearing out the area.

The supporter robot had another game feature which was to fix damaged robot. This feature would enabled in the level three whenever a robot was damaged by a landmine. For this mini game, one player was going to check the status of the damaged robot. He would perform the fixing process by referring to the correct path graph that only the other player could see. This mini game focused on an asymmetric information design where one player would perform the action and the other player knew the relevant information. The game should be straightforward and easy. The goal here was to further foster the communication between two players.

WIP terrain for level three. A desert land.

The team also had the terrain assets for level three which was a desert land. For level three, the team planned to have a plain desert space to show the damage the caused by the previous war.

Since the game features’ development was getting to the finished stage, the only major part left for the team was to assemble the whole three levels into a single gaming experience. For next week, the team would worked with the clients closely on the hand off process and moved the dedicated server onto a server resource at the clients’ end so that the game session could be hosted any time at their convenience.