Week10: Nearly Done!
This week we finished Activity 3 very quick! Conducted two playtests and sorted out a to-do list for next week.
Art Update
First, let’s see what we have for the Carnival! The cannon also has a animation on it. You will see it in our demo below.

Tech Update
In this demo, all the main feature are successfully accomplished. You may notice some small bugs or quality inconsistency in voiceover, those will be fixed later.
“Remake Learning” Playtest
Remake Learning is a network that ignites engaging, relevant, and equitable learning practices in support of young people navigating rapid social and technological change.
On Thursday, John Balash hosted some Remake Learning Friends for this Remake Learning Event at the ETC. We reached out and invited some them to playtest with us, gained several useful feedback from Teahcer’s side. such as “adding suggested troubleshooting tips”, “FAQ section”, “more demo pictures”. They were positive in our project, 66% of them thought they would probably use these activities in their classroom.

ETC Playtest Day
This Saturday, Nov. 6th is the Playtest Day of Entertainment Technology Center. We had 5 groups of playtesters visiting us, aging from 13 to 18+adult.
All of them said they were already familiar with the math, but thinking about when they first learned these concepts, they said it would have been a helpful visualization/reinforcer. Though not perfectly fit in our target audiences’ age range, valuable feedback was still got from our playtesters.
For example, we thought the interaction with cannon in the Carnival Activity should be intuitive, but some guests struggled to figure it out. We thought looking up and down with the device should be a natural action conducted by players, but our playtesters tend to stand still. According to the feedbacks and our observation, we generated the following to-do list for next week, the polishing up week.