Week 5: Getting Further
Hi there! Another week is gone~ We did have a lot of fun! Come and see what’s new!
Name Our Character
This week, we finally made our decision on the name of the chinchilla character! Finley was the winner!

Art Updates
- Rig for Finley is done!
- Animating highest priority animations this week
- Talking, celebration, idle, etc.

Complete Game Flow
This week, we finished the design for the complete folding game. Our instructors gave us a very helpful advice on how to teach players the folding mechanism from a narrative side: Finley asks kids for help to fold a birthday card for him. Then go further to folding a birthday present box and etc.
Thus, we are going to have 4 phases in the game.
Phase 0 – Tutorial phase. Teach kids the folding mechanism.
Phase 1 – Folding the given shape into a cube.
Phase 2 – Choose one shape to fold into a cube. 1 wrong shape, not going to be a cube. 2 correct shape.
Phase 3 – More variation is offering. Pyramid, cuboid and hexahedron.
Ending – Birthday Party!
If you want to take a deeper look, click here!
Game Demo
Programmers implemented most of the phases and will put them into one game later with more environment assets and better textures.
Design for the Next Game
Now that the first game is coming to an end this week, our team discussed about the next game design. Though the folding game looks good now. Instructors didn’t have much confidence when we first brought this up to them. The folding mechanism didn’t seem attractive enough for kids from the perspective of instructors. Therefore, this time, we thought about the appealing interaction in AR world first.
Top 1 Fun AR Interaction: dragging, scaling and making things happen.
Inspired by Shapes 3D, we are planning letting kids build a skate park for Finley! More detailed design, click here.
Top 2 Fun AR Interaction: catapult game.
Inspired by AR Angry Bird, we think children will find it fun if they can catapults in AR world while learning math. More detailed design, click here.
We finished our half sheet design as well! Wanna have one? Come to ETC then!