Week 13

Week 13 was Thanksgiving break. It was also our second last week before we delivered the final product to our clients. The team met on Monday to discuss the final touches required to make the game more effective and engaging. We had the following tasks we had to accomplish in order to detail and polish the game.

modify level 3 intro to add fling demo
cutscenes – level 4 missile ito , transition for all levels
make the cutscene short
add speed line and engine fire – test
sky box with just stars – parralax
skip cutscene
restart from 4000
design the menu – arcade
fix the finishers – whale riding along the ship
red triangle
add subtitles
analytics for arcade mode
setting menu
add score to pause menu
project trailer
scoreScreen for arcade – leader board & progression bar

We set our priorities based on the playtest feedback which we would continue working on in the coming week.
– Restarting the Arcade mode from 4000 scores.
– Adding the feature to skip the introduction cutscenes.
– Adding subtitles to the game.