Week 4

Week 4 began with going over the feedback received during quarters. We took their suggestions and clarified our game mechanics and went deeper into the exploration. We wanted to understand better how we could capture analytics and what questions are we trying to answer with these analytics. We proposed that these analytics would be best… Continue reading Week 4

Week 3

During Week 3, we had our 1/4s presentation and our team was visited by the ETC faculty. They passed by in groups to give us feedback on our process and progress. We spent the early few days of the week preparing for the presentation and the last few days consolidating and discussing the critique and… Continue reading Week 3

Week 2

The second week began with the team talking to ETC Professor Heather Kelley to gain insight on how to conduct early user research with our demographic which will be people with disabilities. She helped us understand the importance of making an accessible experience and appropriate theming. The team was referred to the book “Nothing about… Continue reading Week 2

Week 1

The first week of the project included understanding the team dynamics and setting up the project. We emerged as a team named ‘EyeDeal’ consisting of 3 programmers, 1 game designer, 1 artist, and a producer. We gathered information about the project and the resources that we would require. We met with two of our clients,… Continue reading Week 1