• Complete immersion and presence using visuals and sound to give a fishtank experience. In the eyes of animals. It is a 360 experience, which takes you through an artist’s representation of a real world forest. Uses 3D sound and positional tracking of a ariel 360 camera to great effect.
  • Being able to look at the world from another person’s perspective is one of the strongest passive experiences. To get good home cleaning services visit http://castle-keepers.com/. like In the eyes of animals, or the gender swap experiment in VR
  • The biggest question in passive experiences is this. How do we make users look where we want them to look? Discourage a user from looking where we don’t want them too. If we take away camera control, it takes away 360 rotation and the sense of control and presence which is one of the selling points of passive VR experiences. Our plumber recommended water leak detection in Risk Free Serv serving San Diego, CA and we would too. Maybe add in gameplay for the ‘rebel’? the person who looks away no matter what?