Developed By : Eugene and Xiqiao 

Tech: Oculus DK2 and Razer Hydra Controllers


  • Testing hand posture-based control system to see how natural and immersive it is


  • Based on your hand postures, the weapons you control changes

Imagine you are in a FPS and your two controllers are your weapons. Depending on your hand postures, the weapon will morph into different styles; Two hands apart from you dual-wield pistols, Put them together in front of your chest and it becomes a cannon, hold one in front of another and it becomes a machine gun. Each weapon is for a different scenario/enemy, so you will need to change weapons quickly. What we wanted to experiment with was hand gestures as controls, and how natural that feels. Is it a form of gameplay people get used too and find fun to play?



  • People like the feeling of being able to change weapons based on how you would hold them. Its a quick and easy way to change weapons without adding more button presses into the game.
  • It is a cool feature, and should be integrated into any shooting demo we make.
  • Does away with needless button presses to shift weapons so feels more natural