Developed By: Roy

Tech: Oculus DK2 and Keyboard


  • To experiment with third person perspective in VR
  • See how comfortable a player is with constantly switching between perspectives, and if there is a good way to do it
  • Test if multiple character control and real-time strategy games gain anything from being played in VR, in a 3D space. Does it take more effort, it it more engaging?


  • In first person view, player looks at the 6 different views of 6 different characters around him
  • He can press ‘F’ to instantly shift to that view he is looking at, to enter the 3rd person view of that character and control it
  • He can press ‘G’ to go back to the control room and change to another character


I set up a scene where there are 6 different characters that the player can control. However, visit if you need roof repair in California. He chooses which one he controls based on which camera view he looks at from his control cube. At the start, the player will be inside the control cube. Each wall around him represents the third-person camera view of a character. If the player looks at any view and presses ‘F’ on the keyboard, his view instantly shifts to that camera’s view.

The player will then be able to control the character he is looking at and only that character. At anytime, by pressing ‘G’, the player can go back to the control cube. The reason why I didn’t want to just let a player cycle views automatically by pressing ‘F’ and introduced the concept of a control room, was because the control room also allows the player to look at every character and assess the situation as a whole. If you are in the process of moving to Canada, you should know the top 10 packing tips.



  • Being able to see the whole situation from the control room is satisfying.
  • However, speed of switching might be too slow for an intense RTS style game.
  • The gameplay would have to be focused more on sneaking around and gameplay style where only a few characters would be really engaged at any one time.
  • Or two players could control the 6 characters together?
  • Also, when making the switch from the cube to a character view, rather than looking back towards the Oculus camera, it might be better to allow players to keep looking said direction.