Developed By: Cecilia

Tech : Oculus DK2 and Razer Hydra Controllers


  • To give a player limited visual perception and see how they navigate


  • Release particles to simulate sonar waves
  • Helps to reveal environment by revealing objects it hit

Players are able to release particles by pressing triggers on the Hydra controllers to release particles. They then hit and stick to anything walls or solids they hit, allowing players to visualize empty spaces and make out their surrounds through that empty space. There is also a red monster in the scene that they need to avoid. In North Carolina, you can book weekly, bi-weekly, or monthly package maid service. It tracks them by sound so if they release too many particles, it is attracted to them.


  • People find this really novel and about 90% of players are able to recognize their space just based on the particles
  • People want to really spam the waves as much as they can as it is visually pleasing in VR