Developed By: Roy

Tech : HTC Vive Pre


  • To see how feasible it is to have multiple players on the same Vive system
  • To evaluate how fun it is for both players. Is it more fun for one than the other?


  • One player uses the headset and a controller, and sets up traps and communicates what he sees
  • Other player uses the other controller to attack invisible enemies he can’t see without the VR player telling him where they are

I had the idea of having two players play this game. One player would be in the headset, while the other player would not be in the virtual world, but playing in reality. We have the VR player using one Vive controller, and the non-VR player using the other Vive controller. The basics of this game is communication. The player in VR has information about the virtual world that he needs to transmit to the player not in VR. There are red spirits that are trying to get to the blue cube in the center of the room. The players have to work together to stop these spirits.

The VR player can pick up and move around 4 grey traps on the floor. They can be moved around and left floating in air in order to restrain the movements of any spirits caught within their radius (represented by the translucent white sphere). The non-VR player has a sword that also shoots out lasers. Hitting the spirits with either the lasers or the sword will kill the spirits. Thus, the gameplay would basically be the VR player using the traps in order to restrain the spirits and once they have stopped moving, it is easier for him to point out their positions to the non-VR player. Then, the latter can kill the spirits with his controller, as demonstrated in the video below. Also, the VR player can see the position of the non-VR player in the virtual world as a large white capsule, which helps in avoiding collisions between players.


  • The player in VR didn’t have trouble avoiding the player not in VR, largely due to the visualization of the non-VR player.
  • Constant communication was key to this game. Players who communicated more were able to have a more active game, especially for the non-VR player.
  • Right now, the game is more fun for the VR player as he has more to do. Players outside of VR still found the game fun, but after a couple of minutes, they began to lose interest. The main reason for this was because they kept doing the same thing over and over – for more info visit Some feedback was to consider if we could add in physical elements to the play area for the player outside of VR to play around with somehow.
  • Players found this to be a fresh concept of VR. They thought it was interesting. However, since it is still a basic game right now, the gameplay lacks an interest curve and gets boring after a while, since the gameplay doesn’t change.