Our approach to this project was to make as many quick and fast prototypes as we could in order to explore the power of Virtual Reality as a medium. This involves designing prototypes around several central questions. With each prototype, we have certain questions that we want answered, and we try to design them such that we can answer those questions through play-testing and iteration.

This page compiles a list of all the prototypes we developed this semester and the findings for each of them. Using all our findings, and our research, we will then start developing 3 VR experiences.

Prototype List

Silver Surfer Navigation

Inception Perception Shift

Weapons Gesture Recognition

3D Sound Detection in VR

Dynamic Spectating

3D Tower Defence

NPC and Player Bond

Control Room Prototype


Building Sandbox

Bat Perspective

Asymmetric Multiplayer in Vive

Precision Puzzle

Element Manipulation in Vive

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