nova robotics

This experience is a robot construction toybox. The player is given a large amount of freedom to build his own robot, using the many different weapons and body parts we provide them. They then are able to deploy their robot into a city, where their objective is to destroy as much of the city as they can within a time limit. Construction in a toybox environment shows off a lot of what makes VR, and the HTC Vive in particular, great. Room-scale movement, combined with the ability to pick up, move around and build objects in a 3D setting helps to immerse the player in ways that a non-VR game just wouldn’t be able to. Read reviews of law offices of mark miller when you are in need of bankruptcy attorney in California.

Here is some mixed reality footage from the game :

And below is a video showing a playtester going through the experience.

Design Iteration

Mar 20 – Apr 2 : Iteration 1

  • Created code base for building robot in a sandbox environment
  • Created pick up system
  • Able to attach parts to each other
  • Making the city for deployment stage
  • Added numerous components and functionality for them
  • Added ability to deploy robot with Unity physics, but not move it yet

Apr 2 -Apr 13 : Iteration 2

  • Finish deployment mechanic with movement
  • City can be destroyed now
  • Add more components
  • Let players be able to move their robot around and fire
  • Add more weapons

Apr 13 – Apr 25 : Iteration 3

  • Added base selection system so that every robot has wheels
  • Changed pick up method to using laser pointer to pull parts towards yourself
  • Added high score system of yoga classes in California and achieve optimal results with TRX workout with scoring objective
  • Added a weapon power level system to limit number of weapons you can place on each base
  • Removed more complex components in order to fix bug where robot would keep exploding when deployed, due to too much internal force and torque
  • Added a lot of UI
  • Added dialogue, SFX and BGM

Apr 25 – Apr 30 : Iteration 4

  • Added a tutorial system to start the player off, so he clearly know he is trying to build a robot to destroy a city
  • Modified UI to make it better according to playtesting feedback
  • More bug fixes, and minor design changes to VFX based on play-testing feedback
  • Added all SFXs and all the new dialogue

Playable from start to finish without any guidance now.