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Author Archives

Archive of the posts written by author: rkoganti.

Week 16 Update

Firstly, we came up with two new names for each demo. The robot one is now called Nova Robotics, and the sonar one is called Lightscape. We moved away from the idea of sound waves as the mechanic resembled light particles more. This…

Week 15 Update

After softs, we realized there was still a lot we needed to do in order to turn experiences into complete polished ones, especially for the sonar one. We moved our main programmer on the robot demo over to the sonar one, and effectively…

Week 14 Update

At the start of this week, we made several major design changes to the NPC possession demo and the sonar demo. For our second NPC possession demo, we changed the design experience to be more of a tower defence type of experience where the player has…

Week 13 Update

This past week was spent adding in more features and fixing bugs in each demo that we found from playtesting. We also strove to incorporate the feedback from playtesting into the experience. We isolated the factors that made each experience fun or frustrating…

Week 12 Update

The past week was spent further developing the core mechanics of each of our demos, in order to prepare for our playtest session on Saturday. We were focusing on the mechanics that we felt needed the most testing and managed to get everything…

Week 11 Update

The past week was spent further developing our 3 core demos. Working on our core mechanics as well, as well as getting the design finalized for each of the demos took the most time. For our first demo (the escape the room game), we…

Week 10 Update

This week was an exciting one for us. Half the team was at the Game Developer Conference of 2016, soaking up as much detail about VR trends and experiences out there right now. In the meantime, our client decided on which 3 prototypes…

Week 9 Update

This week was spring break, so for the first half the week, the team was on vacation. We also only had 4 members who were still in Pittsburgh. So we didn’t manage to start work on the new prototypes till about thursday unfortunately. We told…

Week 8 Update

We got the HTC Vive on Monday, but didn’t set it up yet. This was because we still had to finish up the rest of the prototypes for the Oculus, mainly Reflections, the Building in VR one, and the Bat Perspective  one. We spent Monday…

Week 7 Update

Once again, we started of this week like last week. We finished up videos of our prototypes on Monday and tested them some more, to record our findings. On Tuesday, we met with our clients again to show them our prototypes. The one…