Adventures in User Testing

With your host, Shawn Patton.

Everytime I conduct user testing I'm amazed at what I find. What it all boils down to is that people don't think exactly like I do, go figure. Regardless, the ten or so people I tested the PuppetMaster with gave great input on to how it could be made better and more user friendly. As a result I added reminder pop-up boxes asking if they had made all the assignments they wanted and telling when to start the server as well as an extensive help menu. Also, the ability to see in the controller list box, not just in the Mapping tree, which controls were used was something I should have thought of, but didn't until it was pointed out to me.

The best part about testing was watching the reactions when the users actually started to puppeteer. When making the mappings and considering which controls to use for which parts of the model, the users would build up a certain anticipation. When they then ran the Stage and were able to see the commands they created come to life, they got very excited. Granted, if our product did not have that sense of agency, or kehn, it would mean our project was not working. Still, it was great fun to see that reaction in people.