We went to the warehouse expecting to pick out puppets, when actually they had a set list. But, we were allowed some input for the choices.


Artwork – The Children's Musuem wants the puppets to be painted as closely to the originals as possible. This means including all wear and deteriorating of the originals.

We still are making slight changes to give these characters more life –highlights and facial illumination. Since they have been sitting in a closet, unused, they have lost a bit of soul. If we can bring this back, it would be to our benefit.

Design document – this was incredibly helpful to the Children’s Museum – they now have a visual reference of what we are thinking about.

The client agreed that the puppets we have made are scary–– and made sure to give us some more fun puppets in the next round. Here are pictures of our trip to the puppet storage facility.




Puppet concepts

A challenge is that some of these puppets don’t share common motion, or characteristics of the “template” or “model” puppets we have been using. For example – one puppet could have four legs, which would be a completely new system of movement.…

Stage and environment conceptual design –We have attempted to conceptualize the space. However, the space for the exhibit will be in the Children's Museum expansion, and has not yet been defined.