What is this project all about?

Our goal is research using the improvisational acting technique of status to
improve the behavior of video game characters, thereby providing additional
opportunities for emotional impact.

In a future of infinitely hi-resolution graphics, how can we incorporate
more believable elements of character and relationship into video games?
The Project Improv team aims to show through a series of demos that an
element like status can be a powerful variable; influencing animations,
behavior, relationships and ultimately story.

The basis of this project is adopting techniques from stage acting and
improvisation while designing games. Improvisation in theatre is a form
which does not use a script or predetermined ideas for dialog, direction,
story and character. In short improvisation is getting on stage and making
stuff up as you go along. Surprisingly, there are many similarities
between improvisation and games.

We hope to start prototyping new game mechanics centered on status.
Status-driven game play is a new way to approach games that could make them
accessible to wider audiences. If we start making use of subtleties in
character behavior to drive objectives and goals, we can move away from the
traditional game structures of health, energy, personality bar indicators
and into the realm of storytelling and immersion.

All work done at the Entertainment Technology Center
Carnegie Mellon University