Goals and Mission:

  • Take advantage of the immersive potential of the space:
    • we want the audience to feel as though they are on the ship with the captain in order to get the full experience of the theater
  • Create an interactive experience that engages the audience in activity.
    • in order to make the experience more fun and compelling, we want the audience to be able to interact with the story
  • Tell a story worth hearing again.
    • in other words, we want to present a good story
  • Effectively use on-screen narrator to guide experience.
    • we want to explore the possibility of having a virtual or on-screen guide and how well it is able to direct or instruct the audience on what they have to do
  • Break the social barriers associated with theater.
    • most interactions that are made usually involved having the audience do as little as possible. For our presentation, we wanted to have the audience physically move around the space and interact not only with thescreen but also with others. Through this manner, we are trying to break the social barriers usually associated in public viewing venue
  • Increase repeat value through non-linearity.
    • so that people would come back again, we wanted to stress interactivity in order to cause non-linarity of the plot. In this manner, no two shows are exactly alike.
  • Blend the physical environment with the screen environment.
    • part of our goal to having the audience immersed in the environment, we also decorated the theater with a lot of props so as to make the theater look more like the deck of a ship. In this way, we are extending the illusion of being on the ship more