The screen starts out blank

ANDI materializes, first as wire frame then solid.

ANDI introduces herself acting as a cursor to type her own name.

Monitors turn on revealing that we are in the hull of the mothership.

The other ships turn left, right, center, then drop one at a time as ANDI explains.

Leaning calibration sequence (Left, Right, Center,). ANDI moves to corresponding side.

Count down ("5..4..3..2..1.." ship drops)

Tail fails first as we point upwards to see the inside of the mothership.

We automatically level and the first two ships blast off, then us.

With camera kungfu and stretched skydome we start into the time warp special effect.

We find ourselves back in a serene sky.

Pteranadons swoop down from the upper left. You can see the other pteranadons through their translucent wings. ANDI highlights the pteranadons and educates the crew.

We desend into the fog as the pteranadons fly off into the distance.

Tree canopy emerges through the fog. On the sides long necked dinosaurs peer at us curiously.

A clearing is spotted and we zero in on it as ANDI guides us toward it.

Landing with the triceratops in clear view, ANDI highlights the triceratops and educates the crew.

Stegacerus stampede from the left and scare away the triceratops. ANDI highlights one of the stegacerus and educates the crew. The dinosaurs kick up dust as they run off screen right.

Dust settles and the whole terrain shakes as a thumping noise approaches.

T-rex emerges from the forest and stops to eye the ship. ANDI highlights the T-rex and educates the crew.

T-rex charges.

T-rex lunges at ship as it starts to take off and grabs ahold of the nose of the ship.

- - - - - - SOUND INTERACTION - - - - - -

If crew is responsive, the T-rex lets go and backs off. The time ship then hurls backward landing in the lake.

If crew is unresponsive, the T-rex shakes the ship and ANDI gets dizy.

if crew is unresponsize twice, T-rex tears off nose of the ship exposing the engine and the time ship then hurls backward landing in the lake.
- - - - - - END OF SOUND INTERACTION - - - - - -

A current pulls us toward the water fall as we face towards it.

We pass through the water fall and enter a cavern.

The screens go blank (like a monitor shutting off) as we hear a thud and the ship shakes from hitting the walls of the cave. (lights out)

*this scene is highly optional* A radar view pops up and a green dot can be seen circling the ship then entering with accompanying noise.

INTRUDER ALERT!!! House lights flash red on the screens. ANDI zaps intruder.

ANDI rematerializes and monitors come back up revealing that we are deeper into the cave and it's almost pitch black.

Head lights come on and illuminate the cave walls as they pass by. They begin moving around searching for an exit.

An exit is found as we briefly hit against more rocks and then veer towards the exit.

The spot lights dim as the cave brightens and we find ourselves at the mouth of a canyon.

- - - - - - BEGIN LEANING INTERACTION - - - - - -

The canyon is full of twists and turns obscuring our vision from what's around the corner.

Around the first turn we see an alamosaurus that's partially in the water. He watches us as we approach and ANDI highlights him devlivering yet another educational message to the crew.

The ship collides with the alomosaurus's leg and it it peers down at us until the crew follows ANDI's instructions to lean to the right.

The speed of the rapids pick up and rocks in the river collide with us if we don't dodge them.

We arrive at the first fork and ANDI helps to show which way the audience is leaning.

Past the first fork we go underneath a fallen tree.

The second fork in the path presents itself, and ANDI leans with the crew.

Then we come upon the waterfall. As we pass over it the sounds of the rapids diminish and there is an eary silence as we shoot off the edge.

And then plummet down into the water.

The windshield cracks as we hit the water with a loud splash.

We sink nose first and see the ocean ledge catch our fall saving us from falling into the abyss.

After we level out again, a shark approaches from off in the distance.

ANDI highlights the shark and delivers another educational message to the crew as the shark investigates our ship.

As the shark swims away it gets devoured in the jaws of a huge mosasaurus that emerges from the abyss below. ANDI delivers one last bit of knowledge to the crew as he highlights the mosasaurus.

The mosasaurus spots us on the ledge and moves for a closer look.

Then it rams the ship, further cracking the windshield and knocking us into the abyss.

The water turns darker and darker the deeper we get.

ANDI leads the crew in an emergency ejection count down, but the ejection sequence fails. ANDI instructs the crew to shout to amplify the ships power.

- - - - - - SOUND INTERACTION 2 - - - - - -

If responsive, the crew pod ejects and then is teleported back to the Carnegie Museum.

If unresponsive, ANDI freaks out as the window's crack further.

If unresponsive twice, ANDI sacrafices her own power source to eject the crew.

The crew time travels back to the Carnegie Museum.

GOOD ENDING: ANDI congradulates the crew on a succesful mission and guides people to the exit. The screen is still cracked.

BAD ENDING: The screens are blank and ANDI didn't make it back and some foreign voice instructs the crew that they have safely returned.