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Tool Set
We are using the LinkGrammar parser from Carnegie-Mellon University. This parser offers a very robust English language parsing ability in combination with an accessible rule structure and API for development.

We are also using the WordNet hyper-thesaurus and lexical database. This system has very advanced word mapping and thesaurus-like functions and has been used in many other computational linguistics efforts.

In addition, we are using the Lingual set of Perl scripts for verb tenses and noun inflection and for some text analysis tasks.

Integration of these disparate parts and the implementation of the topic matching system, text-analysis system and the design of the underlying architecture will culminate in the production of a content-creation tool and test-bed for interactive characters.

Dialog Engine System Diagram
In the first half of the project we determined the different pieces that would be necessary to accomplish our goals for the end of the 14 weeks. The outcome of that process was a system diagram that shows the different parts of the Dialog Engine and how they interconnect.

Dialog Engine Class Diagram
For those interested in the technical implementation side of the system, this is a diagram of the class structure we are using to provide an expandable and easily changeable architecture:

Authoring Tool
Some of the authoring tool GUI concept work:

Some screen shots of the authoring tool GUI:

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